hermiter 2.3.1 (2024-03-06)
Minor improvements and bug fixes
- Updated parallelized C++ methods to be more thread-safe and included
improved bound checking.
- Updated citation for hermiter article.
hermiter 2.3.0 (2023-05-08)
Additions and improvements
- Enhanced the update_sequential method to incorporate a single or multiple
new observations.
- Added density generic function which outputs an object with associated print
and plot generics.
- Added quantile generic function for convenience.
- Added hcdf function which outputs an object with associated print,
plot and summary generics.
- Added median and IQR convenience functions.
- Added a wrapper around the stats::cor function with two new methods, namely
"hermite.spearman" and "hermite.kendall".
Minor improvements and bug fixes
- Additional test cases have been added.
- Updated the vignette.
- Fixed the SystemRequirements: C++11 note.
hermiter 2.2.0 (2022-11-15)
Breaking changes
- The interface of
has been simplified. The update_batch
has been removed in favor of providing the ability to initialize the
with an initial batch of observations. Several internal
methods are no longer exported in the interests of simplicity.
- The default values of N have been optimized for different settings. For
univariate, non-exponentially weighted estimators, the default is now N = 50.
For univariate, exponentially weighted estimators, the default is now N = 20.
For bivariate, non-exponentially weighted estimators, the default is now N = 30.
Finally, For bivariate, exponentially weighted estimators, the default is now
N = 20.
Major enhancements
- Parallel implementation of batch updating using RcppParallel provides
significant performance improvements on multicore systems. Note that this
can be disabled by using options(hermiter.parallel = FALSE).
Minor improvements and bug fixes
- Updated citation information.
- Additional test cases have been added.
- Bug fixes for series acceleration algorithm.
hermiter 2.1.0 (2021-11-16)
New features
- A method has been added for estimating the Kendall rank correlation
coefficient in the bivariate setting.
- The univariate quantile estimation method has been significantly enhanced in
accuracy using series acceleration techniques. Series acceleration is enabled
by default.
- The univariate pdf and cdf methods have been significantly enhanced in
accuracy using series acceleration techniques. Series acceleration is enabled
by default.
- The new default method for the univariate quantile estimation method,
'interpolate' is much faster than the alternate method, 'bisection' with nearly
the same accuracy.
- Added print and summary methods for both the univariate and bivariate
hermite_estimator objects.
- Convenience function added to calculate sums of Hermite functions.
Documentation improvements
- The vignette
, namely vignette("hermiter")
has been extended to
included examples pertaining to estimation of the Kendall Tau nonparametric
correlation coefficient in the bivariate setting.
hermiter 2.0.3 (2021-02-17)
Minor improvements and bug fixes
- Minor update to test cases.
hermiter 2.0.2 (2021-01-11)
Breaking changes
has been removed as it is redundant.
has been renamed to merge_hermite
for clarity.
has been renamed to merge_pair
for clarity.
has been renamed to
for clarity.
New features
- Bivariate Hermite estimators have been added with methods for estimating
bivariate probability density functions and cumulative distribution functions
along with Spearman's rank correlation coefficients.
- The bivariate estimators include methods to batch update or sequentially
- Methods are also provided to consistently merge bivariate hermite_estimators.
- Convenience methods have been added for calculating normalized Hermite
functions, along with upper, lower and full domain integrals of the
normalized Hermite functions.
Documentation improvements
- The vignette
, namely vignette("hermiter")
has been extended to
included examples pertaining to the bivariate Hermite series based estimators.
Minor improvements and bug fixes
- The method for merging univariate Hermite series based estimators has been
improved, yielding greater accuracy when the hermite_estimators are
- The method for estimating quantiles with the univariate Hermite series based
estimator has been improved and is now consistent with the estimator in the
- Vectorized the univariate quantile estimation method.
- Added further error trapping and other minor enhancements (also for C++
hermiter 1.0.0 (2020-09-10)